
  • 28/09/2014 22:56

    September 28th: Sunday the Last Morning

    Today was the last day of the General Chapter of 2014, and even though some people needed to leave early and others were thinking about their departure, the energy in the aula remained high and focused until the end. Much needed to be done and much remains to be done. However, as Dom Eamon reminded...

  • 28/09/2014 10:11

    General Chapter 28 09 2014 Homily for Mass

    Homily Closing Mass AG ENG.pdf (265,5 kB)

  • 28/09/2014 08:43

    Saturday Sept. 27, 2014

    The REMILA region had the mass this morningwith singing in Latin and some two part pieces in Spanish. The day was spent in the Aula taking votes on many of the issues. In the afternoon we ended by meeting in our commissions to do an auto critique of the chapter. This evening was spent in chatting,...

  • 26/09/2014 22:46

    September 26th, 2014 -Day Unknown

    Writing this blog at 8:00 at night, it feels like the end of a long, hard day. A lot was accomplished in the aula, but looking back at the day I am having a hard time remembering everything we did, but some things stand out. The main work of the morning was to handle the questions coming back from...

  • 26/09/2014 08:49

    Thursday Sept. 25, 2014

    To the disappointment ofmany, the Pope cancelled his papal audience with us, but to our great joy we were still allowed a break day, which was set for Wednesday. Some participants stayed in Assisi while others took a bus to Sienna, Florence or Rome. There was a small group of seekers that journeyed...

  • 23/09/2014 21:08

    Tuesday, September 23rd : Day Thirteen

    Greetings to the community of Whitland which is reading this blog in their refectory. I will take care that nothing mentioned would upset the enjoyment of a good meal. At the beginning of the chapter everyone was divided up into small groups called commissions and different tasks were assigned to...

  • 22/09/2014 21:09

    Monday Sept. 22, 2014

    Those of us who attended the magnificent performance of Chiara di Dio, especially those who got locked out after walking back after the performance, wished they could rise later like the sun is doing these days. If you ever come to Assisi be sure to enjoy this inspiring musical. This morning's mass...

  • 22/09/2014 21:05

    International Association of Lay Cistercian Communities

    To the General Chapters – Assisi 2014   We are very grateful for the invitation and the opportunity that you have given us again to share with you the most important outcomes of the last international encounter of the International Association of Lay Cistercian Communities held at Lourdes...

  • 21/09/2014 18:17

    Sunday, September 21st: Day Eleven

    In the homily this morning, we were told that our ways are not God's ways, but that God is glorified in us as we strive to follow his paths, despoiled of our own wills in the “humilitas” of the Rule of Saint Benedict and with the Mystical. It is possible that our own paths would not have led us to...

  • 20/09/2014 20:30

    Saturday Sept. 20 ,2014

    The joy-filled Eucharist planned by the Oriens Region was sung and prayed in Japanese. Since we were celebrating the martyrdom of Andrew Kim and his companions the first reading was in Korean. "Look at the joy which came from God (entrance) and we are living in the hand of God.(recessional)" was...

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