Article archive
20/09/2014 12:13
Media, Internet, communication ... and the silence of the Trappist
We would like to begin our work encounter by extending our thanks to you and your General Abbot, Don Eamon Fitzgerald, for asking us to collaborate within your chapter. We, who are working in the world, we think of you Trappist’s as Moses on the mountain praying for his people; this is why...
19/09/2014 19:14
September 19th: Day Nine
The USA Region led the celebration of the Eucharist this morning with Dom Damian of Spencer presiding and Fr Simeon as cantor. The entrance hymn enjoined us to “Praise the Lord all the earth” and with the whole earth's representatives of the Cistercian world, it seemed like something that was...
19/09/2014 11:04
Dom Mauro ENG.pdf (84677)
19/09/2014 09:26
Thursday Sept. 18, 2014
The REMILA region planned this morning's liturgy with singing in Spanish and a Portuguese communion piece. Mother Maria Gratia, abbess of Maria Frieden played the flute after communion, enhancing the prayerful atmosphere of the assembly. Mgr. Jose Rodriguez Carallo, secretary of CIVSVA...
17/09/2014 15:06
September 17th: Day Seven
This morning in the Aula we had a presentation from Dom Jean-Pierre Longeat, the president of AIM, the Alliance InterMonasteres. The vision of AIM is to support communities throughout the world in their birth, growth and difficulties. In the discussion after Dom Jean-Pierre's presentation, the AIM...
16/09/2014 21:16
Tuesday Sept. 16, 2014
This morning's lovely mass was sung in French, Swahili and Igbo with the use of a drum, wooden block and ichaka. This was the result of 4 practices since they do not all speak the same language, even though they all belong to the African Region. Nigeria alone has 23 languages. There...
15/09/2014 18:26
September 15th: Day Five
Today the General Chapter spent most of the day broken up into its commissions to discuss the house reports. This work is the pastoral work of the chapter, as opposed to the more legal work that occupies the work in the aula. Because the work of the commissions is both sensitive and confidential,...
14/09/2014 21:18
Sunday Sept. 14, 2014
Sunday Sept.pdf (109393) This morning was beautiful and sunny in contrast to the cool and rainy days we have had so far. The mass was prepared by the Oriens Region and sung in English and Latin. After a few announcements the chapter listened to Dom Eamon's inspiring presentation on the fragility of...
14/09/2014 16:25
Mass on this feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
Dom Steel Of Tarrawarra Abbey chief celebrant at today's Mass on this feast of the Exaltation of the Cross PUEDES ESCRIBIR here ...
14/09/2014 13:35
The two volumes containing the history of the first Trappist monastery in Spain, recently published by the monks of La Oliva, contain the transcription of an 1805 manuscript preserved in the monastery and comprising three volumes. The idea of transcribing this manuscript into digital form...