Tuesday Sept. 16, 2014

16/09/2014 21:16


This morning's lovely mass was sung in French, Swahili and Igbo with the use of a drum, wooden block and ichaka. This was the result of  4 practices since they do not all speak the same language, even though they all belong to the African Region. Nigeria alone has 23 languages.

There were three presentations today followed by discussions or questions as well as the continued pastoral work in the commissions.

Dom Armand Veilleux  gave the report from the Law Commission summarizing their work since the last General Chapter.

Dom Mauro-Giuseppe Lepori Abbot General of the Cistercian Order (Common

Observance) after expressing his gratitude to be with us,  spoke about two main areas: the mystical and the communal aspect within his communities. In his talk, he stressed the importance of our spousal relationship with Jesus and the need to  help those in formation to develop the interior life.

Dom Hugues  Chapelain of Sereville explained to the chapter that "the OCSO- France process" was a response to the Holy Spirit. Through this process the

27 abbots and abbesses of France came together four times since Sept. 2012 to share on their communities. Dom Hugues expressed that the "center of the world" was in France. Needless to say another responded which was enjoyed by all. Where do you think the center is located?PUEDES ESCRIBIR here ...



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