Sunday, September 21st: Day Eleven

21/09/2014 18:17

In the homily this morning, we were told that our ways are not God's ways, but that God is glorified in us as we strive to follow his paths, despoiled of our own wills in the “humilitas” of the Rule of Saint Benedict and with the Mystical.

It is possible that our own paths would not have led us to the Aula this morning to discuss either the use of the internet within our houses or the finances of the Order, but then we would not have grown in the mystical.

Dom Peter of Guadalupe is walking around with a black eye. He is saying that “he fell,” but we are waiting for the real story.

In the mean time, in the small park behind the Domus Pacis, a large and boisterous wedding reception is being held. Apparently megaphones are an important component of an Italian wedding reception. At six o'clock in the afternoon, the reception has been going on for three hours and the music is just starting up. This writer suspects that sleep will be elusive this evening.



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