Sunday Sept. 14, 2014

14/09/2014 21:18

Sunday Sept.pdf (109393)

This morning was beautiful and sunny in contrast to the cool and rainy days we have had so far. The mass was prepared by the Oriens Region and sung in English and Latin.

After a few announcements the chapter listened to Dom Eamon's inspiring presentation on the fragility of the communities in the Order.  The talk, beside outlining our present fragility, pointed to a way in the future. He called us to be people of joy, prayer and gratitude who are receptive to the youth of today. Many expressed their appreciation of his reflections and insights.

Domus Pacis continues to delight us with imaginative treats at coffee break.

After the morning break the superiors voted on the procedure to be used with the house reports in the commissions. Then we met in commissions to discuss and share our reactions to Eamon's presentation.

We continued to work in the commissions but now with the house reports.


 In the evening the delegates met for the first time.



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